May 18 “LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY!” Luke 11:1
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1)
One of the most important things that we learn from God’s word is that we should PRAY! We can attend every church service and learn about prayer. We can come to church and open our hymnal and sing beautiful songs about prayer, such as, “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” and “Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer,” and we can hear hundreds of sermons on prayer, yet the danger involved is that we HEAR ONLY! We SHOULD attend church regularly, and we should sing about the sweet hour of prayer and prayer should be taught and preached about regularly, but it is all to no avail if we just HEAR it only, but DO NOT DO IT! The power is in the DOING of it---not in just hearing about it!! If there ever was a time in history when people heard and sang so much about prayer, it is during our generation, and if there were ever a generation that SHOULD pray, “LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY,” it is our generation! We should come to Christ, as the Disciples did, with this request. The Disciples did tremendous things for Christ, yet they would not have been able to, had they just heard Christ teaching on prayer and only saw Him pray. They were able to do great things because they came to Christ and said, “LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY!” In the life of every child of God, that has done great things for Him; the reason can be traced back to a strong and active prayer life. Prayer is a privilege! We are able to go directly to God, through His Son, Jesus, to bring our petitions and requests and our Praise to Him. Many years ago, when I was in London, I toured Westminster Abbey and I read a catechism that was posted on a bulletin board, and it intrigued me enough that I wrote it down. It said, “Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to His will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of His mercies.” Prayer is essential for our relationship with God. Prayer will drive sin out of our lives and out of the church. Prayer is a tool. If we are to “reap the harvest,” as Jesus spoke of, we must use prayer as a tool to stay connected and stay empowered by directly communicating with our POWER SOURCE! Prayer has Power! It has the power to change us, to change others and to change circumstances! Prayer is letting God work in us! We must get rid of the “rubber knees,” --- You know, we Christians who kneel in prayer, then bounce up before God has a chance to even get started! We really do live in a world of speed and instant gratification and this fast pace of living has moved into the Christian realm. Let us turn to the Lord, as His Disciples of old did and pray. “LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY!” TEACH US THAT PRAYER IS IMPORTANT. TEACH US THAT PRAYER IS NOT JUST A RITUAL. TEACH US THAT PRAYER IS A PRIVILEGE. TEACH US THAT PRAYER IS ESSENTIAL. TEACH US THAT PRAYER IS A TOOL. TEACH US THAT PRAYER GIVES THE POWER TO MOLD OUR LIVES INTO YOUR WILL! Please pray for each other, pray for our country, prayer for our leaders and continue to pray for God’s will to be completed in your life…In Jesus’ Name! Believers; step up and shout the “GOOD NEWS” to everyone around you and fulfill your calling and responsibility TO PRAY!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!