July 3 “Lip Religion” Matthew 15:8-9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:8-9)
Should our actions match our words? As professing Christians, should we be representatives of the Good News to this lost and dying world? Most, if not all of us today, if we were asked this question, “Which god are you going to believe in and serve?” would say, “I am serving and believing in the God of Heaven, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!” Although, most civilized Americans would answer that way, how many are actually telling the truth? It has been my observation that people often say what they DO NOT REALLY MEAN! Just recently, a young man was interviewed, during the protests, and he said that he was a Pastor of a local church and his words and his actions were in direct conflict with what he said that he represented. Believers, it is time for us to stand on God’s UNCHANGING WORD and to be what we say that we are! When you say that you are a Christian, this means that you have repented of your sins, and accepted Jesus Christ as your personal SAVIOUR! You see, this is different than just believing in a god, or in THE TRUE GOD! Even the Devil believes in God and trembles, but that does not save him! How can we tell when what a person has in their heart matches up with what they have to say? There are a few characteristics that tell the tale of truth! First, you will sacrifice to the God that you believe in!! Living a life of “Sacrifice for God” requires that we be committed to sharing the Good News and to be obedient to God’s call. Romans 12:1 says it best, “I BESEECH YOU THEREFORE, BRETHREN, BY THE MERCIES OF GOD, THAT YE PRESENT YOUR BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY, ACCEPTABLE UNTO GOD, WHAICH IS YOUR REASONABLE SERVICE!” You see, this includes your time, your monies, your talents and your possessions. Secondly, If you are a Christian, YOU WILL OBEY GOD! In 11 Corinthians 10:5, the scriptures say clearly, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” God is not pleased with disobedience! We are called, as Believers, to reflect the LOVE OF GOD in our thoughts, our words and our actions. Simply put…WE ARE TO BE “CHRISTLIKE” IN ALL THAT WE ARE! Friends, Do you love God? It is so easy to say, “YES,” but Jesus says, “IF you love me you will keep MY commandments!” This requires sacrifice and obedience! America put Neil Armstrong on the Moon and the whole world knew about it. God put HIS SON on the Earth and one thousand nine hundred million people do not know about HIM; and never will until we start sacrificing and serving the LIVING GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Who is your GOD? Does your heart agree with your lips? Yesterday, one of my friends asked me “What are we going to do with all of this protesting and riots and evil that is going on?” My response was simple and profound! We are going to be obedient to God and we are going to follow HIS commandments and we are going to make sure that our actions will match our professions! Believer, remember that God has promised to sustain us as we walk in HIM! Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the “Popular Thought,” we are to remain obedient to God’s call and embrace the fact that we are “JUST PASSING THROUGH!” TO GOD BE THE GLORY! What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!