August 17 “If Only…” John 11:21-22
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.” (John11: 21-22)
Lazarus was dead! Even though, a request for His return to Bethany had been issued; Jesus, purposely stayed two more days. Why? In John11:14, we are told of the purpose of Jesus’ delay. “So then He told them plainly, ‘Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, SO THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE. But let us go to him.” “So that you may believe!” Jesus had a conflict between his human love for His friend, Lazarus, and His Divine mission to be the Savior of Mankind! He knew the priority and, regardless of how He felt, in His Humanity, He knew His purpose and He knew His calling and He honored His mission. Lazarus’s sister, Martha, said to Jesus, after He finally arrived, “If only You had been here…!” Mary and Martha did not understand why Jesus had delayed His arrival, however, they still believed in His power and abilities to overcome the challenges of life. As I reflect on our present challenges and issues, I wonder about our responses to God’s plan and purpose for Mankind. Mary, Martha, and the Disciples did not understand the reason for Jesus’ delay, or His Divine mission. Could this be the issue today? Consider… “If only my faith were stronger…If only I prayed more…If only I read more of God’s word…If only I was more faithful in sharing God’s Love , through Jesus Christ…If only I were more faithful in tithes and offerings…If only I desired God’s will more than my own…If only I truly believed that this world is not my home, I am just passing through…If only I would surrender my life to HIM and walk in obedience…If only I would focus on what God has called me to do…If only I would lay aside the worldly concerns and concentrate of the blessings, promises and obligations to my Savior…If only I would keep my eyes on Jesus and believe that He will see me through to the end…If only I were as committed to Him as He is to me!” Please Lord, allow us to minimize our “IF ONLY’S,” and concentrate on our “ARE DOING” commitments! We are all frustrated, in our humanity, over the ridiculous and chaotic craziness that exists in our country and we may not understand why this is happening. Well, it is God’s plan for Humanity! Remember, He said that He was coming back! The scriptures clearly explain the events, the tragedies, the challenges and the “If only’s!” Believers, we are witnessing the unfolding of God’s ultimate plan for us and we can take heart in the fact that He WILL SEE US THROUGH! Please, do not allow the issues of this day to cloud the vision of God’s Glorious Plan for Mankind! More and more, I am convinced that His return is rapidly approaching and, I for one; do not want to be numbered among those who are saying…”If Only!” How about you? Should we be growing in our faith and concentrating on growing closer to God and enhancing our relationship, being led by the Holy Spirit or are we focused on the “Worldly” and immediate challenges that we cannot change? Just recently, a pastor friend asked me what I was doing to keep my focus proper and my vision clear and I told him that I was concentrating on my calling and focusing on JESUS and praying that God would narrow my vision and enhance my purpose and to cause me to concentrate on HIS WILL, not mine! Folks, we cannot change the plan of God, we cannot change the politics of the day, we cannot change the depravity of society; however, we can focus on God’s plan for us and be diligent in sharing HIS LOVE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, with everyone that we meet! I said that we can’t change society; however, we can be obedient to God, share HIS LOVE, and make a difference, one soul at a time! May we never have to say, “IF ONLY!” What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!