August 18 What Did God Say? 2 Corinthians 5:7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Walking by “Faith” requires focus, direction, and commitment! The more complex and chaotic life becomes, the easier it becomes for us to lose our perspective. Remember the story of Peter and Jesus, when the Disciples were in the boat, in the midst of the storm and Jesus came, “walking on the water,” and those who were aboard the boat were afraid and they thought that Jesus was a ghost, and Peter, seeing that it was Jesus, asked if he could come to Jesus, and Jesus told him to come on. Now, in the midst of a terrible storm and with his fellow passengers, screaming at him, telling him that he was crazy, yet, Peter, with his eyes on Jesus, climbed out of the boat and headed for Jesus, on top of the water. Peter was walking by faith! The storm was raging, the winds were howling and the men on the boat were telling him that he was crazy. Can you hear them saying, “What is wrong with you? Are you crazy? Don’t you see the storm and feel the wind? Peter was focused on Jesus and he was moving towards Jesus and had his focus on Jesus, and all of a sudden, he took his eyes off of Jesus and succumb to the storm and the negative shouting of people, that simply did not clearly understand the “Overcoming and sustaining Power” of Jesus. As he took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink! He cried out for help, and Jesus moved toward Peter and reached out his hand and grabbed Peter; brought him back up to the top of the water, and they, together, walked back to the boat! We all have experienced a moment like this, in our spiritual walk with Christ. Satan is good at making noise and directing temporal and negative experiences, so that we take our eyes off of Jesus and place our eyes on the worldly and sinful activities of this age! In order for us to be successful in living for Jesus, we MUST keep our focus on JESUS! Listen, in our present crazy, sinful, EVIL and confused world, if we focus on the earthly and fleshly oriented appeal of this world, we will find it difficult to walk in obedience. Keeping our eyes on Jesus will allow us to walk in “Faith,” and FOCUS on the Good and to reject the negative influences of this moment! Folks, during this pandemic, I have experienced challenges and difficulties that I would never have imagined! The criticisms and the negative comments and the seemingly bitter attitudes that have been displayed toward me and others, have truly shown me that I MUST STAY FOCUSED ON JESUS AND IGNORE THE WORLDLY AND SATANIC NOISE THAT IS BEING SHOUTED AT ME AND OTHERS! I continue to pray for HIS clarity, HIS emotional, physical and spiritual abundance! We must become more and more dependent on God, and trust HIM more and more. Remember, our Faith may have started as the size of a mustard seed, must (and will) grow into the size of a great and mighty tree! FACT: I see the Evil that is in our world and I see the Devil working among the people (even Christians) and I am aware of the ignorance and depravity that exist, HOWEVER, I CHOOSE TO KEEP MY EYES ON JESUS AND WALK IN HIS OBEDIENCE AND FOLLOW HIS COMMANDS, EVEN IN THE MIDST OF THE STORMS OF LIFE! HOW ABOUT YOU? Are you focused on Jesus or are you controlled by the earthly and worldly temporal thoughts and confusion of the moment? “PLEASE REMEMBER, GOD SAID… WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY WHAT YOU SEE AROUND YOU!” What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! To God Be the Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE