August 20 “Living This Day” Matthew 6:34
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matthew 6:34)
So many thoughts race through our minds, on any given day. What will come next, how will I deal with the next challenge, who is telling the truth, can I believe the stories that I hear, and how am I going to survive this craziness? All are valid questions; however, Matthew tells us that we shouldn’t worry about tomorrow! Each day has enough issues that we have to deal with, so don’t worry about tomorrow! Yesterday, I heard a woman, who was being interviewed about the recent rains and the resulting flooding, say that, if her candidate didn’t win, in November, that the rains would get worse and she couldn’t imagine a world where her candidate didn’t win. Really, she thinks that one man, any man, can affect the rain totals and that her man has the power to change anything? Sad! I suspect that this poor woman is extremely stressed about her future and she is probably, misguided in her thoughts of who is in control. I wonder if that situation describes any of us! My God is IN CONTROL! God has a PLAN and, regardless of what we do, HE is STILL IN CONTROL! God knows each day and He knows the issues of that day and HE TOLD US TO NOT WORRY! Praise God that HE has equipped us, empowered us, and directed us, and has given us everything that we need to “NOT WORRY!” Live today with commitment and dedication and FAITH that HE WILL SEE US THROUGH! Yes, I see the issues, I see the struggles, I see the Evil, I hear the lies, I see the Satanic influences, I see the unfaithfulness, I see the fears, yet, I KNOW that HE has PROMISED VICTORY and HE HAS PROVIDED POWER TO OVERCOME! I am committed to serve GOD today and not to worry about tomorrow! GOD HAS GOT TOMORROW, therefore, my worry is not needed!! Remember, we are OVERCOMERS, through the Blood of Jesus and that faith, that fact, that truth, IS ALL THAT WE REALLY NEED!!! THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I AM JUST PASSING THROUGH! I do not know what calamities and troubles and depravities are to come, yet, I am assured that, as a True Believer, I am an “OVERCOMER,”AND I AM TO BE THE LIGHT OF JESUS, and I know that I will be successful, because HE PROMISED, and I BELIEVE IT, and I CLAIM IT! How about you? Are you an “OVERCOMER?” Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!