August 21 What Do Others See? Matthew 5:16
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”( Matthew 5:16)
My Mother really enjoyed reading “Our Daily Bread,” every morning. She really tried to start her days off with a daily dose of wisdom that was printed for that day. Several months ago, before this COVID19 pandemic, I was at WakeMed, and I picked up a copy of “Our Daily Bread” and read a great story that really spoke to me and I decided to preach a sermon from the reading. Well, I didn’t actually preach a sermon, so I decided that, instead of a sermon, that a devotion; would be appropriate! The devotion started off with a story about a professional football player. “A professional football player’s team was having a terrible season, losing week after week. A reporter asked him how he stayed motivated to play hard and give his best even though his team lost almost every game. He responded, “My dad is watching that game. My mom is watching that game. You better believe I’m going to do my best!” He recognized that there was more at stake than just winning or losing. People were watching, and that reality always drove him to do his best. Jesus reminded us of this reality in the early portions of His Sermon on the Mount. We should live our lives with a recognition, that what we do, is observed by those around us—and this visible life makes a statement about our God.” “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”. How does the light of our lives shine? By bringing the heart and character of Jesus into the situations that engage us every day. By showing compassion as He did for the marginalized or forgotten. By displaying concern for the God's name and His reputation for Love and Compassion. People are watching us. The question is, What do they see? Do they see Christ's Love in you? Several years ago, I was with my Daddy and we were in the Western Auto store, in downtown Goldsboro. Daddy purchased a part, of some sort, and gave the clerk a twenty dollar bill. Change was returned and we headed to the car. As was the habit of the “Tight Wad,” that was my Daddy, he stopped to count the change. “He gave me a dollar too much change!” So, around we turned and we headed back to the store. Now, I was excited because, maybe just maybe, Daddy would decide to get some ice cream. We walked back through the door of the Western Auto and got in the check-out line. Daddy stepped up to the counter and said, “My friend, I believe that you gave me a dollar too much change and I want to return it so that your drawer will balance tonight!” What happened next was, nothing short of a miracle. The young man asked Daddy, “Aren’t you a preacher?” Daddy responded, “Yes I am.” “Where do you preach?” asked the clerk. Daddy told him and the young man said, “Me and my wife have been looking for a place to go to church and I thank you for what you did today! We'll see you at church on Sunday.” (By the way, they did come on Sunday, and just a few short weeks later, the clerk, his wife and 14 year old son were saved!) Friends, Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read. This is a really scary example of how much people watch us as Christians, and will put us to the test! Always be on guard -- and remember -- You carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself ‘Christian’. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. People are always watching, testing and examining us. What do they see in us? Do they see Jesus in us? The truth is that the decisions we make from day to day, moment to moment matter. How we react matters. We are ambassadors for Jesus, preacher or not. What we do matters. What we do shows others one of two things. One, it shows US, or two, it shows JESUS. I, for one want others to see Jesus in me, but I realize it is a daily, constant struggle between my flesh and the Spirit of God. But the good news is that I know God's Spirit is much stronger than me and he's gonna win. I just need to learn to not fight a battle that I know I'm not gonna win! But we still battle don't we? Our flesh and the world tell us to act and to react a certain way. Someone makes you mad or does you wrong; simply get them back and get even. You see something you want, just take it. What is it that drives you to be who you are? What is it that others see in you? Do they see your Love for Christ? When others see you, can they see the Love you have for Jesus? Can they tell that you have a Love for him that drives your life, that keeps you going day by day, that dictates who you are and what you do from morning, noon, & night? Can they see the Love you have for Jesus? How do you think others can see the love you have for Jesus within your life? What are my priorities? People notice what your priorities are in life by what you do and by what you’re involved with. Are you sharing the love of Jesus with others? Helping others in need and in Jesus' name tells others that all the good you do is for Him and about His Love. When we gave our lives to Jesus, He then, at that point, should have become our priority. You see, our journey was never to simply except His Love for just ourselves but to share it with others as well. This is and always has been our mission from the start. Sometimes, to share the love of Jesus with others is easier said than done. Some people in this world are stinkers and they may rub us the wrong way, but none the less, we need to share compassion and love for and with them, Christian and non-Christian alike. Jesus died for every jerk you know and for the biggest jerk of all, us. Isn’t that what Paul was emphasizing in I Timothy 1:15: “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst”. But wait, Paul isn't finished. Listen to verse 16: “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life”. If God could show mercy to the worst of all sinners, what should we do? God is rich in mercy. If He were not rich in mercy, we’d all be in a heap of trouble! Mercy is what God demonstrates to the undeserving sinner and that’s us! When we show mercy towards others, they ultimately see Jesus’ Love in us. When you forgive, you Love. And when you Love, Jesus shines through you to others. This is what others need to see in us, The Love of Jesus. God wants us to be peacemakers in this world, not peace-breakers! He wants us to be a part of the solution, not the problem. He wants others to see Him in us. Sometimes we’re faced with others that may seem evil or may seem to be ready to just pounce all over you but the truth is, this usually isn’t the case. How we react shows who we are and whose we are. How are we to act and react in this world? What do others see in us? Someone said, “Love is the identifying mark of Christianity. In a world of hate, envy, and anger, love sticks out like a healthy thumb. When anyone walks away from an encounter with us, that person should remember our love, not our convictions.” May others see Jesus in us as we seek mercy and pursue His Peace. I pray that the balance of 2020 will be the year that we reflect the true nature and love of God, through Jesus Christ in everything that we do and, that others; CAN SEE HIM IN US!!!! What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!