August 22 “Who Is Coming To Eat?” 1 Kings 17:14
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the curse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.” (1 Kings 17:14)
Do you remember the times when people believed that marriage provided security? In the story, in 1 Kings, the unnamed woman of Zarephath, probably believed this and now, her husband is dead and they were experiencing a drought that had destroyed their crops and their ability to make a living. Her son asked her for more bread and her heart broke because she knew that there was a limited amount of meal and a limited supply of oil, with no resources to replace them. As a mother would do, she made the last loaf that she could make and gave it to him. “Please give me a drink.” A stranger was at the door asking for some water. She was moved by the face of this stranger and she gave him a drink. “Is it possible to get a bite to eat?” “Well, I am making our last portion of our meal and after this; we will simply die of hunger!” Elijah caught her eye and said, “If you will make a little cake for me, first, your supply will last until God sends rain!” What God? Her gods had done nothing to help or extend her supplies! Her heart was moved and she saw something in this strange man and she did as he asked. Long story short… There was enough flour and oil for she and her son until God sent the rains! When we are committed to God; when we are trusting in Him; when we are walking in Obedience; when we are walking in FAITH; when we are claiming His promises and provision, then we WILL be blessed! There have been times when people have come into my life, that seem to consume my meager resources and I didn’t know how I was going to make it. God always sent someone or some-ones, into my life that brought His blessings and His provision. He sent Elijah, as a blessing, to this widow of Zarephath and her son. Do you believe that God will provide for you? Are you walking in His Righteousness and claiming His provision, through Faith in His Promises? In my 63 plus years of life, when situations and circumstances force me into positions beyond my “Earthly” abilities and limits, God has always provided! Are you struggling, right this minute, with limited resources or physical lack? God has promised that, when we are faithful to Him, he will be Faithful to us! Philippians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” This promise is not empty! When we are obedient to Him, BLESSINGS WILL FLOW TO US! Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING can or will keep God from honoring His Promises to us! COVID19, POLITICAL CHAOS, SOCIAL UNREST, nor anything else will affect His flow of blessings to us. Situations or circumstances; never alter the Plans and Promises of Our God! So, the message for today is simple! Claim His Provision for Salvation, Receive His Blessings, Walk in FAITH and OBEDIENCE and be prepared to be BLESSED!!! We are OVERCOMERS! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Remember, we are OVERCOMERS, through the Blood of Jesus and that faith, that fact, that truth, IS ALL THAT WE REALLY NEED!!! THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I AM JUST PASSING THROUGH! I do not know what calamities and troubles and depravities are to come, yet, I am assured that, as a True Believer, I am an “OVERCOMER,”AND I AM TO BE THE LIGHT OF JESUS, and I know that I will be successful, because HE PROMISED, and I BELIEVE IT, and I CLAIM IT! How about you? Are you an “OVERCOMER?” Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!