January 14 Do Not Be Deceived Matthew 7:15
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)
We are in the midst of a blatant display of deceptions and falsehoods and hatred and the sowing of seeds of discord, at a greater pace than any of us have seen in our lives. Satan, and his minions, have, in times past, remained in the shadows and have operated “under the radar,” to accomplish their Evil purposes; however, today they are out in full view and are boldly engaged in deceptions and sowing seeds of discord and hatred, with the purpose of thwarting the cause of Christ! As a Follower of Christ, I see this and I am saddened by those who have made a public declaration for Jesus Christ, being deceived and following an Earthly path of anti-Christian behavior! Folks, this is not political, this is about Evil that has penetrated the hearts of more and more people. Eve was living in the paradise of Eden, yet she was deceived and tempted by the appeal of the fruit. Folks, I am telling you the truth, we MUST be on the watch for the deceptions of the Devil and refuse to be a participant in his Evil doings. We MUST be about the Father’s Business, and that requires studying the Word, Praying constantly, Sharing the GOOD NEWS and putting on the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD, that we can stand against the onslaught of Satan and his “Sheep skin covered evil wolves!!” The Satanic Evil is REAL and we MUST fortify ourselves under the protection of Almighty God! On a personal note, in my 64 years, and in my 52 years of being a “Born Again Believer,” I am under attack, like never before! Amazingly, the closer I become, the more committed I am to HIS WILL for my life, the more intense the attacks. What am I to do? Well, for me, I am doubling down on study, prayer and sharing. On my desk, sitting in front of me, I have a plaque that has the message for every Satanic attack that comes my way… “NOT TODAY SATAN!!!!” Keep in mind, Satan is “Slick,” and knows your weaknesses, so guard your heart and protect your thoughts and dig deep into HIS WORD! The message today is very simple! Satan is real and he is about the business of destroying your witness and to thwart the message of the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST! Regardless of the chaos, regardless of the “Insane” actions of others, regardless of the level of “hopelessness” that exists, do not stress, I have read ahead and I am happy to report that “WE WIN!!” “NOT TODAY SATAN!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!!!!