January 18 Love Sees Beyond Our Own Flaws Matthew 7:3
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (Matthew 7:36)
**“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. **
A few days ago, we had a time when it was not raining, so I decided that I would clean the inside of my car. The sun was shining, the air was crisp and the equipment worked and “Live was Good!” I put some Gaither Gospel on the player and went to work. Every time I put something down on the ground, the wind blew it all around. It was so frustrating! It seemed to make my task so much more difficult. At one point, I just sat down on the ground and told the wind, “You Win!” While I was on the ground, I actually noticed the warmth of the sun, the birds at Annette’s feeder and the smell of someone burning Oak wood. Amazingly, I felt a little strange! Here I am, railing against the wind blowing, yet all of the beautiful things that were happening around me. We do the same thing to each other sometimes! Some little mannerism or some action annoys us. This little thing can blind us to the things at are beautiful and love worthy! How many things has Christ managed to overlook in my life? When we read the scriptures, we see that Jesus managed to overlook Peter’s bragging and Martha’s fussiness and Thomas’ doubt-filled questions and the caution of Nicodemus and a host of other issues, with others. As I reflect on this scenario, I am struck with the reality of life! In this heated and politically charged world that we are living in, is it just possible that we have more that binds us together, than that separates us? I have witnessed fellow professing believers demonstrate such animosities and displays of hatred towards each other, only focusing on one aspect of disagreement, while harboring the same thoughts as the one being criticized. Satan is excited when Followers of Christ are at odds with each other. How quickly we can see the perceived issues of our neighbors, yet do not see the huge issues in our own lives! We must be very careful how we judge others! Matthew 7:1-2 says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Do you understand? When you judge others, you open the opportunity to be judged by those same standards!! We can disagree politically, we can disagree socially, we can disagree financially, yet, when we are “Under the Saving Blood of Jesus,” we are joined together by His Grace and all of the other human differences are small in the scheme of life. What I am trying to say is that we ought to get along and recognize and respect our differences, yet see each other through the eyes of Jesus Christ! Our motivations must be guided by the Holy Spirit and our actions need to be edifying to Christ. So, are you seeing all of the “Wrongs” in your neighbor’s behavior and thoughts, while practicing the same issues, just in a different form? It all boils down to the foundation of your life! You are either living to honor God and to do things that are with a “Spiritual” foundation or you are doing things with an “Earthly/Worldly foundation!! Remember- What God does with you is up to you! Always has, always will! Bottom Line…”LIGHTEN UP…GOD HAS GIVEN YOU A BREAK, SO GIVE YOUR NEIGHBOR A BREAK! AGREE ON THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND REALIZE THAT THIS IS NOT OUR HOME, WE ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH!!! Sadly, some will read and understand and some will read and be offended. If you understand, then keep growing and keep your focus on pleasing God. If you are offended, please stop and question your motives! Are they to edify your Savior or to prove some earthly and worldly point that, in the scheme of eternity, has no eternal value and is an effective tool of Satan! More to come…..Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!