January 22 Praying Always… 1 Chronicles 16:11
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.” (1 Chronicles 16:11)
We were in the mountains of North Carolina, a few years ago, with the purpose of renewal and refreshing. The past several weeks had taken its toll on me and I was just going through the motions, with no power and enthusiasm and my prayer life was suffering. It was one of those times when I had placed everything in front of Prayer Time and was just casually engaging in prayer. Annette said, “We need some down time!” She has a God-Given ability to discern when I am about to be “burned out!” So, to the mountains we went! We enjoy going to various “flea markets” around the local area, and this trip was no different. In one of the stores, I spotted a pair of roller skates that you put over your shoes and I purchased them. My mind went back to those days of my youth and I could envision me skating around the carport as soon as we returned to the house. Sure enough, I put the skates on, tighten the skates with the key and stood up. Ok, all is well! So, I slowly eased off from the spot where I stood. Thoughts of my agility and my joy in skating; came rushing into my mind and as quickly as it entered, it exited. The thoughts of my youthful skill and pleasure of skating were quickly replaced with the reality that I was falling! Sure enough, my knees met the concrete and my not so youthful body, told my mouth to groan! As I took the skates off and tossed them into the bushes, I realized that, if I was going to enjoy skating, I would have to do it more often, maybe, even every day, in order to receive the joy that I had remembered. As I was sitting on the cold concrete, I had a moment of clarity. If I expected my Prayer Life to be fulfilling and if I were to receive the Power to serve God and obey His instructions, then, I, like the skating, need to do it more often! If I wanted my relationship with God to be more meaningful and if I wanted to serve Him in the Power of the Holy Spirit, then I was going to have to pray “Constantly!” I got up, got the skates out of the bushes and told myself, “I’ll skate some more tomorrow, but right now, I am going to Pray!” Every time that I have sags or down times, spiritually, it is because I fail to “Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.” Praise God! He has shown me that the power that I operate in; is activated, at its greatest effectiveness, when I am constantly in prayer! The more that I pray, the stronger I become! The stronger that I become, the more I need to pray! How about you? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!