January 21 Obedience John 14:15
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (John 14:15)
During this past year, 2020, I have questioned what makes folks follow orders? When I think about it in light of the scriptures, I wonder the motivation to accept and obey the “Thou shall not” instructions! As a child, my parents laid down some intense “Thou Shall Not’s!” You know the ones…”Don’t play in the fire,” “Don’t run with those scissors,” “Don’t talk to strangers,” “Don’t slam that door!” There are many others, yet we, with proper motivation, obeyed them and we still do! Every rule, every corrective measure by our parents to enforce the rules, were for our own good and to protect us from harm. I can tell you that, as a boy, I really did not appreciate the “Thou shall not’s!” As I gave gotten older and have a child of my own, I understand the instructions more clearly. These words, when I was a child, were bad words to me. Don’t do this…you know the drill! With, a little growing, and a little maturing and as a parent, responsible for the wellbeing of my child, my perspective has changed, concerning these words, “Thou Shall Not…” Bad words? No, they are loving words today! They are saying, “I care about you and what happens to you!” Amazingly, the great persuader, to obey, is LOVE! So, If you love Me, keep My commandments!!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!