February 16 Contentment Philippians 4:11
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” (Philippians 4:11)
“You have got to be comfortable with who you are!” These words have echoed throughout my life. Mama always told me that I had to be comfortable in my own skin. She also added that, “I should be content, but now complacent! She instructed me that I was to always be striving to be better and to live my life as a reflection of God’s Love in me. I realized that it is my attitude towards issues and challenges that determine my contentment! If I believe that circumstances are more powerful that my Savior, then, I am in serious trouble! 1 John 4:4 says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” We have a choice to constantly be affected by circumstances or we can rise above the issues and claim His Power for our Living! HE IS GREATER THAN ALL OF MY CHALLENGES! Are we to dwell on the issues or to CLAIM HIS PROMISES? I choose to do what Mama said, and to be comfortable in the Loving and Caring Arms of My SAVIOR! Praise God! We can be content when we are assured that we are “OVERCOMERS!” I refuse to allow circumstances to steal my attitude!! Be Ready…Satan will do everything possible to create discontent and issues in your life. On Friday, I went out to my car and the battery was dead. The “Check Engine” light was on another and, in the middle of “Jumping” the one vehicle, in the pouring rain, I fell in the mud! I got up, went in the house and cleaned up, then, back out to drive the “Check Engine” vehicle to the repair shop. Outstanding…needs a catalytic converter replaced…EXPENSIVE! I made an appointment for that to occur, next week and rushed home to get the “Dead Battery” vehicle and bring it back for a new battery. Thank God that it was under warranty…Keep in mind, I was supposed to be in Raleigh, to bring Kayla for her IV Infusion Treatment, by 12:15pm. No Pressure…on my trip back to the shop, to get the new battery, I felt a calm come over me, and I knew that was the Precious Holy Spirit, providing calm and “Contentment” in my spirit AND IN MY ATTITUDE! You see, even the “Preacher” is not immune to the challenges of life! It all worked out and I am still content…well, I will be until the converter has to be paid for…Anyway, I hope that you have received the message for today! We have a choice to be content! We cannot control the issues of the day; however, we can control our reactions to them! Remember… “IT IS YOUR ATTITUDE, NOT YOUR APTITUDE THAT WILL DETERMINE YOUR ALTITUDE!!! Believer, please choose to Follow Jesus and embrace HIS CONTENTMENT!!!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!