February 19 Your Attitude Equals Your Altitude Isaiah 40:31
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
The story is told of a local farmer who found a baby eagle in one of his fields. The poor young eagle was not in good condition and the farmer took it back to his home to nurse it back to health. Over the next few weeks, the eagle was doing well and the farmer put it in with the young chicks in his chicken coop. Although the eagle did well during the first weeks, it began to grow listless and seemed to be losing its strength. The farmer feared the young eagle was going to die after all, until --- one day the farmer had an inspiration. He packed the eagle in his pickup truck and headed west for the Mountains. When he arrived at the eastern edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the farmer took the young bird deep into the foothills. Finally, he held the eagle in his arms and pointed its head to the mountaintops where the wind was blowing and an eagle cried out as it traced the currents of the mountain winds. A shudder coursed through the eagle's body and it spread its wings, as a new strength seemed to surge through the bird. It stood and leaped into the air, caught a strong breeze and soared into the sky. The farmer watched the eagle with a tear in his eye as the bird cried out what seemed to be a farewell. A verse from the Bible came to the lonely figure of a local farmer as he watched the eagle soar: "...Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles..." (Isaiah 40:31a) When I first heard this story, I thought it should have been a turkey pen so we could say if you want to soar with the eagles don’t hang out with turkeys. And also a bit of trivia; while the sight of a Bald Eagle soaring through the skies has thrilled man for ages; the sight of a “Bald Man” does absolutely nothing for an Eagle! But, I believe that we human beings were designed to be much more than most people imagine. The problem is that we accept the limits of the chicken coop and don't even know about the mountains and the winds. We wind up hopping and pecking through life instead of soaring. BUT... the kind of life we're talking about doesn't come as an instant miracle cure. And that's not an easy thing to hear in a culture where "fast" is "good." From the nine minute oil change to the "instant" lottery millionaire, we are bombarded with the idea that life can change for the good with a "quick fix". The problem with the quick fix is that when it breaks down, the "chicken coop" syndrome simply gains more strength. You've seen people who have tried a multitude of fad diets only to find they experience one failure after another and winding up heavier than ever. There is an incredible source of spiritual energy available to all of us. That unlimited energy source can make an incredible difference in our lives. Your part and my part in all of this are to decide that we will cooperate with this energy source by having a willingness to change… Change from the chicken yard to the mountain tops is not easy but it is sure. It is not quick, but it is lasting. You must dare to trust that you have been designed for much more than you have ever imagined. Friends, regardless of the circumstances, God has ordained that we should “Soar,” and that requires commitment and faith! As I witness the “Madness” of this world, and experience the “Faithlessness” of the masses of the people around me, I am more determined to claim the mighty promises of Almighty God and look to Him for power, presence and the ability to “Soar” as a Spiritual Eagle!! How about you? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Source: Sermon Archives - Rev. Linwood Brock)