February 24 It Is Good To Give Thanks Psalm 92:1
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:” (Psalm 92:1)
In recent days, I have truly been challenged to be thankful. I am fully aware of my blessings, yet, overwhelmed with multiple issues from my flock. It an attempt to serve and to make a difference, my focus was blurred and truly unclear! Then, it happened! The Holy Spirit brought a dear lady to my mind and I began to think about her situation and her attitude towards the challenges that she faced. Widowed with two children, her mother died that same year and she still pressed on…her sons died within the same year and she still pressed on. She ultimately ended up in a nursing home and she lost her ability to feed herself, yet, on every visit, I would ask, “How are you doing today?” Her response was priceless! “Honey, I am blessed and I am doing great!” Here she is, having been hammered by this life, and in the middle of losing her physical abilities to take care of herself, she responds, “I am blessed!” To put in perspective, I break a fingernail, and complain, while someone loses an arm and sees the blessing in the situation!! I am thankful for her influence and her example and the “Sermon” that she preached to me, by her life! Regardless of the challenges and regardless of the issues, this precious lady claimed her Salvation and was willing to trust her God and to live each day, regardless of the circumstances, with a sense of gratitude and an anticipation of the Glory that was ahead for her. She had a Strong Faith and she exercised that Faith, without “Moaning or Groaning” about how unfair that life is. What a lesson for me! The beautiful thoughts of my dear friend caused me to do an assessment of my own blessings and to place my own issues into perspective! It is good to give thanks unto the Lord! It is an indication of our dedication, our attitude and our Faith! I quickly repented of my faithlessness and asked that God would continue to grow in me, that same dedicated and “Surrendered” mind, heart and soul, of my dear friend! Folks, thing ARE GOING to happen and things ARE GOING to be unfair and things ARE GOING to challenge you! Guess what? We have a choice to see the issues or to see the VICTORY! I choose to see the VICTORY! Remember 1 John 4:4, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. “ Stay Strong, Stay Focused…With a Growing Faith and the Proper ATTITUDE, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!