February 28 Faithful…Regardless of the Issues 1 John 5:4
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” (1 John 5:4)
The Church has encountered real and tradition changing issues, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. What was, no longer exists and what we did, doesn’t happen now. There are many that are “Railing against the Wind,” in an attempt to make things “Like they were,” yet, are finding little success. Just recently, I was reading a paper that was dedicated to the idea that the Church has been changed forever and that we must get back to the way that we have worshiped! I have loved the method of our worship and I enjoy the way that we have done things, however, please keep in mind, our corporate method of “Having Church,” is not a “Magic” path to “Holiness!” The message of Christ and His Saving Grace is not dependent on our methods; it is solely and wholly dependent on our sharing the message! Yesterday, I was listening to a radio program and the topic was in the form of a question…”Is the Church Dead?” Pat attention to what I am writing!! From the very beginning of the “CHURCH AGE,” Satan and his minions have consistently bombarded the CHURCH, with the goal of weakening and the idea of ultimately destroying it, well, IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Keep in mind…The Method by which we share the Saving Gospel of Jesus Christ will change and has changed, yet, THE MESSAGE OF GOD’S LOVE AND THE SELFLESS ACT AT CALVARY, BY JESUS CHRIST, NEVER CHANGES AND THAT IS THE MESSAGE THAT WE ARE REQUIRED TO CONTINUE TO PROCLAIM! Just to let you know, GOD IS STILL IN THE SAVING BUSINESS AND HE WILL BE UNTIL THAT DAY WHEN WE WILL JOIN HIM IN THE AIR!! Today, we are going to baptize a new believer and I am here to witness to you that the Church is not wounded or is the Church dead! Satan, we are re-tooling and making adjustments to our “Armor,” and we are continuing to SHOUT THE GOOD NEWS TO THE RAFTERS AND BEYOND! HERE IS THE KEY!!! IT IS MANDITORY THAT YOU BE SAVED BY FAITH AND TO EMBRACE THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, IN YOUR LIFE, AND CONTINUE TO SERVE HIM, IN OBEDIENCE AND IN THE BEAUTY OF HIS HOLINESS! WHEN WE COMMIT TO SERVICE, THE WAY WE “DO CHURCH” HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH WORSHIP! Folks, I have labored over the drastic alternation to our century old method of worship, and I finally realize that God does not regard our human processes as much as He does COMMITMENT! I hope that the message of this moment is getting through! I have heard so many folks, inside and outside, of our membership, to declare that they are not coming back to corporate worship until we return to the way that it was, well, I don’t believe that corporate worship will ever be like it was on March 9, 2020! So, Mr. Pastor, Know it all, what are we to do? We MUST, Walk in Faith, Pray without ceasing, Study/Read God’s Word, to show, yourself worthy, Share the Good News right where you are, and “Seek His Face” while “Living for Him! Remember, the Early Church met in the homes of believers! So, THE CHURCH WILL SURVIVE, THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST WILL SURVIVE AND THE ABILITY TO WORSHIP WILL SURVIVE! Our call, Our Responsibility, is to be “FAITHFUL, REGARDLESS OF THE ISSUES!!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!