February 27 Our Walk Should Match Our Talk! I John 1:6-7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:6-7)
(Reprint from June 20, 2020 –The message needs to be repeated time and time again!!)
Yesterday, I had an encounter with one of my friends that I have respected, for years. As our conversation unfolded, he moved the topic to his personal political and human thoughts and philosophy. Was this the man that I have gone to for counseling and have depended on for advice? The things that he was saying were in direct conflict with his stated Christian and Spiritual values. I continued to listen to, what could only be described as, a rant, I finally spoke. “How can you have those positions and reconcile those with your Christian faith and commitment?” He said something that floored me. He said, “One has nothing to do with the other!” At that point, I quickly changed the subject and, as soon as I could, made a rapid departure. The fact is, THIS BOTHERED ME! I began to pray for him, not just a casual prayer, but a targeted and intense prayer. In 1 John, he made it clear that, as believers, we should walk the way we talk and he is pushing us to examine ourselves to see if we are walking in faith or just practicing religion. I think that it is important to recognize the theme that John has through his Gospel and this epistle, that is---“LIGHT and DARKNESS!” Fellowship is a product of “walking in the Light!” How can we think one way and act another or even, seem to be one thing and truly be something else? If we are walking in the intimacy of true fellowship and obedience to God, how can we act in a manner that is certainly not edifying to God? True Fellowship with God means that we share our life with him and walk in intimacy with him. John is pointing out that this is impossible if we walk in darkness. If we profess to have fellowship with God but we have a lifestyle of sin and depravity, we lie and do not practice a life of truthfulness and obedience. Just as a coin, has two sides, John points out that the person who walks in the light (which is pointing back to the reality that God is light), enjoys fellowship with God and as a result—the church body, and that is us. True Christian fellowship is a life of genuine friendship, accountability, worship, study, prayer, and pursuit of holiness. This should be the ongoing reality of each one of us and the entire church family. Are you being “Blinded” to the truth? Are you walking in “Depravity” of this world, while professing to be a “Child of God?” There is hope for this dilemma, in God through Christ. God is faithful and just to forgive us, but to the one who rejects and refuses to confess—there will be no forgiveness. What about you? In a world of religious and political confusion, with the lines blurred by Satan, it would be a good and profitable exercise for us to pause for a moment and ask ourselves an eternally significant and crucial question. How do you know that you have eternal life? Friends, please let your walk match your talk! As I have continued to pray for my friend, a real instructional thought has remained with me: “I am the Son of a King, who is not moved by the World. For my God is with me, and goes before me, I do not fear because I am His!” We are each responsible for our walk with God, so I encourage you to examine your life, determine who you will serve and let your walk (Behavior, Attitude) match what you are actually saying… What God does with you, depends upon what you do! Remember—“It is your ATTITUDE, not your APTITUDE, that will determine your ALTITUDE!!!” It Always has; It Always will!! Be Sure, be Productive, be Prayerful, be Obedient and continue to share the Love of God with others! BE WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE!! To God Be the Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!