March 11 What is Our Motivation? James 3:6
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6)
Over the last several months, I have observed, those that I have a great deal of respect for, using words and actions that are not edifying to Christ and have caused dissension and strife among others. Keep in mind, the words that we use are important, however, the way that we express ourselves, is critically important. As examples of the Love of Christ and being His Disciples, requires that we get a hold on our tongues. James was absolutely confident that our tongues, that is, our communication with others, can be positive and edify the Savior or it can be negative and destructive! Believers, we are known by the fruit that we produce and when we allow our tongues to be destructive, it indicates a “Heart” problem. The “Filter” that is required for our communications with others, is only going to be effective and proper, when we have a growing and positive relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ! I am fully aware of the destructive nature of our “Tongues!” I have, in the past, spoken harsh words to others, and “Killed” my witness with them, and sadly, their families! I have asked myself, more than one time, “what motivated you to speak that way?” Folks, individuals are going to irritate you and there are some that are going to be “Down-right Hurtful,” yet, our “Mature Response” must be motivated by His Love! Just a few days ago, I had a professing believer, say things to me that I would not say to anyone, especially when I am on the same team! Two things for today: #1. Question your own motivations! Are you living your life to edify and serve our Savior, or are you living your life for yourself and your feelings? If you wear your “feeling” on your sleeve, you are sure to be hurt! #2. Continue to Grow in His Grace and commit your ways to Him! When we are fully surrendered and when we are following His commands, then we are less likely to use language that will offend our neighbors and our fellowmen! Control your Tongue! With one “Loose” word or one unkind statement, you can undo months of positive influence! Folks, JUST BE REAL! JUST BE COMMITTED! JUST BE CAREFUL! Satan IS GOING TO USE EVERY TOOL AVAILABLE TO DISRUPT AND THWART THE CAUSE OF CHRIST! PLEASE DO NOT BE ONE OF HIS TOOLS!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused….THE BEST IS YET TO BE!