March 10 “Reaping Time is Coming…” Galatians 6:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)
As a Pastor, there are times when doing what is right and good, can be very lonely. Given my nature, of wanting to “Fix” folks, and my desire to truly “Make a Difference,” it can get to be a “Job!” The one fact that I have had to deal with, is that, I am usually in a hurry to make things happen and, God is not in the same hurry! There are times when I wonder what God has in store, as He brings various issues into my life, and the issues that only He can handle, yet they are presented to me for solutions. Not so long ago, I realized, through prayer, that all of the issues and all of the situations, are building blocks to a greater dependence on Him and a foundation to grow from… Finally, I realized that “It is in God’s Time, not mine!” The scripture for today indicated that we must be “Doing Good.” It tells us that we ought to be about HIS BUSINESS and, NOT TO GROW WEARY! Keeping our eyes on Jesus and claiming His Power for our Living, is going to help us to see that, being faithful and being active and being obedient WILL have ETERNAL REWARDS!!! Please Lord, help us to “Wait on You,” and to give us Patience and cause us to be Obedient and Strong! Help us Lord, to TRUST YOU and SERVE YOU and to give us YOUR STRENGTH TO KEEP ON KEEPING ON! Folks, I do not understand all that is going on, however, I TRUST GOD TO MAKE IT RIGHT! My responsibility is to REMAIN FAITHFUL AND TO WALK IN OBEDIENCE AND NEVER EVER GIVE IN OR GIVE UP!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS ABSOLUTELY YET TO BE!