April 16 “Surrendering My Thoughts To God” Luke 5:22
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?” (Luke 5:22 NIV)
The way that we think and the things that we dwell on are critically important in our Spiritual journey! In a portion of Proverbs 23:7, it says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” We are all aware that our thoughts are often conflicted. Many thoughts rush through our heads and the results are often guilt, despair, doubts, fears, uncertainties, anger, and a host of other thoughts! Often, our thoughts are controlled by the circumstances, of the moment, and we experience anger over the circumstances, and we worry about what is going to happen, and we start complaining about everything! I have witnessed, during the struggles of this present Pandemic, a harsh and distressing reality. Many, including Professing Believers, are allowing the circumstances of the day to dictate attitude and expressions. Dwelling on the issues of the day can cause anger, tensions, frustrations, confusion, helplessness, worry, and extreme anxieties that we need not be involved with! (FYI- A FACT OF LIFE: WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WAY THAT THE WORLD IS GOING! GOD’S PLAN WILL UNFOLD AND HIS PROPHESCY WILL BE FULFILLED!) Are you focusing on the crazy, upside down, Evil happenings? Are you consumed by the “News of the Day?” Are you allowing your thoughts to be influenced by the “Negative” that fills the “Air Waves” and the “Print Media?” (ANOTHER FACT!!! WHAT YOU DWELL ON, WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT CONSTANTLY, YOU WILL ACT ON AND IT WILL CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS, YOUR ATTITUDE AND YOUR ACTIONS! WHEN YOU ALLOW THE ROTTEN NEGATIVE EVIL OF THIS WORLD TO CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS, YOU OPEN YOURSELF TO BE USED BY THE DEVIL!!) Several weeks ago, I found myself feeling anxious and fearful, for no good reason and I began to think about what was happening. Why was I so challenged? Why was I feeling so helpless? In one of my personal devotions, I read the words of Jesus and the question that He asked, was directed right at me! “Why are you thinking these things in your heart?” I did not have a good answer! That very moment, I, literally, fell to my knees and asked God to free me from this burden! Immediately, the words of my daddy came rushing into my consciousness. I could hear him say, “Watch, what you put into your mind, watch what you think about and watch what you dwell on!!” Amazingly, I realized that I was watching TV news that was providing fuel for my negative thoughts, and I was not in control of the influences that were dictating my thoughts! Please Lord, help me to understand that I am living in the world, but I am not of this world. Please Lord, provide Wisdom in my daily life and protect me from the Evil, both physical and Spiritual, that attempts to influence my life. I stopped watching and listening to “Talk Radio” and “Talk TV!” I watch the “Weather” and change the channel to Andy Griffith or Hazel or Gunsmoke! (TV that I watch)…Please don’t be led by the NEGATIVE EVIL of this moment and do not allow Satan to use you for his purposes. REMEMBER…What you think about, What you dwell on, you will act on it! So, should we control our thoughts? Should we control what we put into our minds? Should we control who we associate with and who we listen to? I believe that it is critical to our Spiritual Survival! “Why are you thinking these things in your heart?” Remember- We cannot change the unfolding plan of God for mankind and the fulfillment of His prophecy, however, we can be positive and share Jesus with Lost Folks and make a difference, one soul at a time! I am focusing on keeping as many people as I can from going to Hell! How about you? What are you thinking? Is it edifying to God or just some more daily personal political and social fluff? Remember, as a true believer, He has set us free, even in the midst of all of the mayhem that is in our world. Claim HIS freedom and be set free! What God does with you, depends upon what you do! It Always has; It Always will!! Be sure, be productive and continue to share the Love of God with others! To God Be the Glory! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!! (Re-print from August 2020)