May 23 “We Should Point People to Christ” John 1: 35-51 (Key verses 35-36)
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Again the next day after John stood, and two of His Disciples; and looking upon Jesus as He walked, he saith, ‘Behold the LAMB OF GOD!’” (John 1:35-36)
John, the Baptist’s life has inspired countless sermons and if we were going to summarize John’s life in one sentence, it could be best written as, “John spent his life always pointing others to Christ!” Think about it, his words pointed people to Christ. “And looking upon Jesus as He walked, He saith, Behold the Lamb of God!” John saw Jesus coming and immediately drew the attention of the people around by pointing to Jesus. As Christians, our words should likewise, point people to Christ. When I was a boy, growing up in rural Wayne County, one of the pleasures of my young life was a shopping trip, into Goldsboro, with my mother. Consistently, there were some young people, hanging out on the street corner and they always seemed to be looking up at something. As people passed by and saw this, being curious, they would also stop and look up. Well, we were no different! Amazingly, in a short time, just how many would be looking up just because they saw these young people looking up. Well, God hasn’t commissioned us to stand on the street corner looking up, however, He has commissioned us to speak (and live) in such a way that we will cause people to look to Christ. John’s actions pointed people to Christ. Are your actions reflecting the love of God to others? When I was a boy, I would go bird hunting and the bird dogs never ceased to amaze me. They would go before us and when they would come upon a covey of quail, they would come to a standstill and their tails would become straight as a stick, pointing us to the birds. People are lost! Millions are hunting for peace of mind, and joy that this world cannot give. We must be like John by pointing these folks to Christ! Could it be that many are not turning to Christ because not enough Christians are pointing the way to Christ? Christ said, “If I be lifted up from the Earth, I will draw all men unto Me!” (John 12:32) Folks, we need to become more “CHRIST LIKE” in every area of our lives so that everything that we do will point others to Christ! The more time that we spend with Him, in prayer and Bible study, the more we will become like Him. As His child, we should strive to resemble Him, as much as is humanly possible! Although, I don’t see it, I have been told that I walk like my daddy. A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to visit with some older folks from Goldsboro that I didn’t know personally. One of the older men asked me if my daddy’s name was Linwood and I answered, “Yes.” “I thought so, because you walk just like him!” I was amazed at his memory and gratified that daddy made an impression on him. One of the best things that can possibly be said of a child of God is, “You are growing up to be like your Father.” Are you? During these unprecedented and uncertain times, we ought to be pointing people to Christ, for His peace, His Joy, His Provision and His Grace. The very best way to point others to Christ is to tell others about Him and live our lives so that we have credibility! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!