Devotion for Baptist Tabernacle Church, July 28, 2021
Lou Holland Carroll, Deacon
God is in Control
In March, 2019 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The mere word “Cancer” threw me into a tailspin. A whirlwind of information was being thrown at me. Let’s not forget “Dr. Google’s” input. There were multiple appointments with doctors, nurses and more medical tests. The surgeon’s first words were “Lumpectomy and a little Radiation; Easy Peasy.” Okay, we’ve got this.
After an MRI, genetic testing and a biopsy; the choice became a mastectomy or two, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Not so “Easy, Peasy”!!! My mind was “flopping around like a chicken with its head chopped off.” Those of you raised on a farm have a clear recollection of that picture. Mama preferred method was wringing the neck and dropping the bird on the ground. There was plenty of screaming and running around as we thought sure that chicken was after us.
“Be Still and know that I am God…” Psalms 46:10
This bible verse has gotten me through many crises (I looked it up that’s right). What does it mean?
“Be Still,” Literally stop flitting around, be calm, let your mind reflect on God. Pray, ask others to pray for you, and read your Bible. Listen for the still, small voice.
“and Know” God has promised to take care of our needs and share our burdens. Stop doubting. Have faith.
“that I am God.” God is all Mighty. God is my hope, rock and fortress. God is my Shepherd-He will lead me, nourish me, protect me and restore me. God is in control.
We will all face trials that put us right in the eye of a storm. Remember, there is a balm that only God can provide. Seek “The Peace that surpasses all understanding. That means that no matter our circumstances, whether we are facing death, torture, arrest or ridicule; we will be able to handle it in stride. Our faith in God dispels fear and conquers the evil one, leaving us content in whatever life brings.” From Jessica Brodie,
I am healthy. Thank you, Lord.