September 23 Winning with Christ Philippians 3:14
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “ I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)
The very first requirement for winning with Christ is to be His! We must “BE” in Christ and that occurs by repenting of our sins and accepting Him as our “Personal Savior!” When we do this, the scriptures tell us that we are “A New Creature,” with a new life, new hope, new desires and a new ambition! Now, we are to “Learn from Him!” God’s Word, the Bible, teaches us how we should live, so, we need to study, read and learn! As we learn, we will “Lean” on Him and begin to understand the beauty of His Love for us. As we Lean, we begin to understand that His Love frees us from Worldly Worry and replaces it with Trust! We are growing, and as we mature in Christ, we begin to listen to His instructions and to His leading. Folks, we have to listen, and listening requires that we have a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ! Now that we are in Christ, and we are learning from Him, and we are leaning on Him, and we are listening to Him, we are in position to “Labor” with Him. God requires us to live godly lives before our fellowmen. He expects us to witness, work, pray, call, persuade and encourage others to accept Christ! We are walking in Obedience and we are serving Him in the “Beauty of Holiness,” and we are growing daily, what is next? Friends, we are to “Look for Him!” Titus 2:13 tells us that we are to be “Looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearance…of Jesus Christ!” How do we win with Christ in this sick and depraved World? We claim His Promise, We Trust His Word, We Lean on Him and Go To Work! Please understand that it is time for God’s People to be what we say we are and to do what we say we will do and to be a witness of God’s Love to this LOST WORLD! The Reverend Billy Joe Sloop, many years ago, asked a profound question of our Youth Group; he asked this question: “Is there anyone in your life that you would like to see in Hell?” Then he followed up… “Why?” Understand the question…”that you would like to “SEE” in Hell!” He spoke with concern and compassion when he said, “I don’t want you in Hell, so that you can see that person in Hell!” As I have pondered that profound question, I understand the depth of the message! If your heart desires someone to be in Hell, then your relationship with Jesus Christ is faulty, if not non-existent! God Loved Us Enough To Send Jesus To Die For Our Sins! Jesus Loved Us Enough To Die For Our Sins and Because Of This Act Of Love; WE CAN HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, THROUGH JESUS! Are you living in HOPE or are you living in Doubt and Disobedience? What God does with you is UP TO YOU! It always has and it always will!! BE REAL, BE TRUE, BE FAITHFUL, and BE WHAT GOD INTENDS FOR YOU TO BE! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!